Tips for Trading Your Way to Free Books

By Sara Gilmore

Getting free books online allows you to expand your literary horizons and connect with people all over the country. There are different advantages and disadvantages to every site that you sign up with so here is how to find the right book swapping site for you.

Look for a site that has a lot of automatic features. You might want to be notified by email whenever a trade is taking place or get reminders when you need to send out a book. You can also find sites that allow you to put your account on hold when you take vacations. Most places will automate the trading process to match you up with other users or tell you when it's your turn to receive a book.

Consider the sites reputation. There are a lot of different places where you can trade books. While you might like the friendship of smaller sites it's unlikely that they have the rules, regulations and systems in place to deal with unfair traders or books that are sent out late. By going with a bigger more trusted site you will probably have a larger selection available to you.

Find a site that offers versatile ways of shipping. You may even be able to bypass the post office and print your postage at home. You might have to ship your site the next day or you may have a few days so make sure that you sign up with a service that fits your schedule.

Find a trading service that deals with worst case scenarios. You want a site that will be strict so that other people can't cheat the system. Swapping sites should deal with refunds or credits so that you can receive gratification for items that you sent out and other people can't just abuse the system. The service can still function and be fun at the same time.

Make sure that the service is actually free. You'll also want to check to ensure that you are swapping books instead of buying them. Swapping is different than the old buy ten get one free deals. With trading you will send out the books that you have in your house and be able to request the number of books that you've sent out. - 31876

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