Why do not people have financial independence?
What is your goal when starting to invest in the financial market? If you think it's just to earn "more granite" than paying the bills, you think you're small. Learning to invest is easier than you think and in a short time it is possible to become an effective investor.
Knowing where to correctly apply your money, you get enough back to stop working to earn money and work only if you feel like it, when your money is doing it for you. In this article I talk about why people do not have financial independence and that this information can help them discover what is preventing them from achieving their goals. Exit:
What is financial independence?
Financial independence means being able to live with an indefinite income. The idea is simple: to accumulate wealth, whether in real estate, in equities, in commerce or in another type of investment guaranteeing returns.
For example, you have 1 million reais in real estate that earns 8,000 reais a month and a cost of living less than 8,000 per month, ready: you are free! You can live more than 50 years to live the performance of your property, work when you want and if you want.
Everyone wants to have enough money to realize their dreams and goals, but why do not many people succeed?
What are the main difficulties?
Most people do not even take the opportunity to invest seriously. They are:
Limit beliefs
Many people have beliefs that make it impossible to make investments. These are thoughts of the type: "Little gain"; "I have not had the opportunity to study enough to have a better career"; "I was not born with a gift to start a business and become rich", among other forms of self-sufficiency.
These beliefs are very strong in Brazil and in less developed countries. Many people think that financial independence is feasible only for those with special gifts or for those living in a country that offers more facilities, but that is not true. Anyone who has never invested in life can learn, after a few weeks of dedication to study, what are the best options for investing today.
the fear
It is necessary to leave the comfort zone to achieve financial independence. To get there really, there is no way: you will have to learn to invest. Many people are scared because they imagine that making the investments in the right way is difficult to learn and very risky to try.
This fear paralyzes and she ends up not going behind the information and doing nothing. In fact, it's risky if you do not know the right method, but it's not so complicated to learn and it's worth it.
No objective
What would you do with five, ten, twenty times more money a month? Is your dream to buy a property? A boat? Travel abroad every holiday? Take the family to a station twice a year? No matter what you choose, the key is to have a goal.
Once you have seen the benefits of your quality of life and it becomes a priority for you to be financially free, you will strive to reserve a percentage of your salary to make these investments.
Seeing a goal to achieve is much more palpable to undertake efforts to achieve it. Your motivation to learn, to save money, will make it happen.
Lack of knowledge
It is precisely because of the lack of knowledge that people end up making investments that are not good and opt for solutions such as savings or private provision. In order to carry out risky operations, imagining that these investments are conservative and lose the opportunity to use their money in alternatives that guarantee a much greater financial return.
From the moment you learn methods, it is only to begin to follow that, little by little, improve your knowledge to obtain excellent results in the financial market.
Lack of discipline
You do not necessarily need to invest every month, but it will be difficult to achieve your goal if you make a one-time contribution of R $ 500, for example. Calculate your short, medium and long-term potential and commit to these values.
Imagine that this amount is an account payable with interest, fine and monetary correction. In this way, you will give a way to make this payment, will not you?
From the moment it is a priority for you, to imagining what you will do with this financial freedom, by visualizing the benefits, it will be much easier to stay focused on that goal.
To want is to engage, and to commit is a power!