Who Is David Jenyns?

By Frank Mariano

What about David Jenyns? Who is he? What can he do to help you? From being a trading coach, to being an SEO specialist, and everything in between, David Jenyns is a man who can help you and your business in a myriad of ways.

If you are someone who is into trading or internet marketing, or just plain business in general, David has something to help you achieve your goals and dreams.

As a trading coach, he can help you with your trading needs with just a couple of minutes of his time. A couple of minutes and he can transform the way you think about trading. He can turn upside down, inside out the way you think and help you realize your true potential. And that is just the tip of the iceberg.

Apart from his trading skills, he is also an expert SEO specialist who can guarantee making your site one of the highest ranking sites in any search engine. That's how good he is, and if you are an owner of a business in need of some SEO magic, David is your man.

Running melbourneSEOservices.com, he has clients from all around the globe and is steadily rising as one of the top SEO services in the world. Give him enough time, and it will be number one. He can do that. Just wait and see.

Aside from all those, he is also a successful entrepreneur with his successes recorded in the media. It is no wonder therefore that David is rising above the rest not only as a trading coach and SEO specialist, but also as an internet marketer.

Internet marketing is not easy, and everyone who has gotten into it will let you know that. But that is not something to be deterred about. Take a look at what David Jenyns has in store for you from his Daryl Guppy interviews, to his Animoto review, David's site has something you can use for your business. - 31876

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Retirement And Online Stock Trading

By Owen Jones

The invention of the Internet has brought about many changes in the way we conduct our lives and our personal business. We can take care of our bills online, go shopping online, go banking online, and even make a date online!

One can even buy and participate in online stock trading. Online stock investors love having the capability of viewing their stock investment accounts whenever they need to, and online stock brokers love having the facility to take stock orders over the Internet, as opposed to using the telephone.

Most stock brokers and brokerage houses now provide online stock trading to their clients. One other great thing about online stock trading is that fees and commissions are usually lower. While online stock trading is good news, there are a few drawbacks too.

If you are a novice to trading, having the ability to actually speak with a stock broker can be quite beneficial, if you aren't stock market conscious, online stock trading may be a rather risky thing for you to do, although advice from a stock market trader is expensive. If this is the case, make sure that you learn as much as you can about trading stocks before you start online stock trading.

You should also remember that not everyone has a computer with Internet access with them, although many mobile phones can get online, so you might not always have the ability to get online to make a trade. You will need to be sure that you can call and speak with a broker if you use an online stock broker. This is the case whether you are an advanced stock market trader or a beginner.

It is also important to go with an online stock brokerage company that has been in business for a while. You won't find one that has been in online business for fifty years of course, but you can find a company that has been in business that long and that now offers online stock trading.

To be sure, online stock trading is a fantastic thing - but it is not for everyone, the impetuous can lose money quickly. Think carefully before you decide to opt for online stock trading, and make sure that you really know what you are doing! - 31876

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Get Free Music CDs by Trading

By Sara Gilmore

With the high cost of living you may not have a lot of money left over for compact discs. You may pay a lot more money if you try to get your music for free by downloading it illegally. You can just send out your old CDs and then get discs that you've always wanted or have never heard of before.

If your car can't play mp3's then getting music for free through trading might be the right choice for you. This is a chance to get all different kinds of music to expand your collection. Through this process you may form relationships and get new music.

The most stressful part of trading is how to ship your discs in a way that they arrive in one piece. If your item arrives in an unplayable form then you'll either have to risk getting negative reviews or replace the item at your own expense; you may lose the item and the money it took you to send it. You can put your disc between cardboard or use a padded envelope for extra security.

You'll want to find a reputable site to work with so you don't end up sending out your items and then not receive anything in return. One way that these sites run is on a credit system; you'll be able to choose a CD for free whenever you send one out. You may be able to find a site that trades directly with other users but then your options will be a lot more limited.

You can still swap cds online even if you aren't computer savvy. Swapping may even turn into your favorite past time. All you have to do is post both the items that you want to trade and the CDs you would like to own. Some sites run on a first come first serve basis where you put something on a wish list and then you are notified when it's your turn, this system is used mainly by sites that use credits. Other trading sites use a computerized system that will match you up with other users. - 31876

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Trading Stop, A Counter Intuitive Notion

By Georg Scheffer

Unfortunately there are scores of novice traders who simply fail to master the counter intuitive notion of the trading stop and as a result, they fail to turn a profit.

I'm sure you've had a few occasions when you've "hung in there" a little too long, but you needn't feel bad because it happens to all traders at some point. Now, we all agree that a small loss is better than a big loss so let's just remember; every big loss starts off as a small loss. The beauty of a trading stop is, when we're experiencing a loss, it allows us to nip it in the bud, before that loss escalates into a big loss. The bigger a loss gets, the more difficult it becomes to apply a trade stop.

So, what exactly is a trading stop, or an initial stop? Basically, it's the same as saying that once the stock price falls below a certain point, you'll pull out. In other words, a trading stop is a predetermined exit point. What you need to remember is; when we enter into a trade, we don't know if we're entering at the beginning of a trend or at the end of the trend, hence the importance of an initial stop. If the trend is near the end, then by having an initial stop in place, we'll be able to pull out before a small loss becomes a big loss.

When a particular trade starts heading south, we almost can't help ourselves from wanting to hold on for too long, hence the importance of being able to make decisions which are counter intuitive.

As Richard Harding once described it, an initial stop is like a red traffic light. While you could of course ignore it, you'd certainly be asking for trouble if you did.

So, just how wide should you set your trade stop? This is a common question, particularly between traders new to the idea of a trading stop, but unfortunately it's a question which cannot be answered accurately. The reason being, the amount of room you allow for price movement will depend largely on the time frame being traded.

As I've mentioned already, the exact amount of room you choose to allow for movement depends on the time frame of your trade. For example, if you trade short term, setting your initial stop close to the price is recommended. On the other hand, if you trade long term, it's recommended that you set your initial stop wider, thus allowing for more movement. However, you also need to realize that once your time frame has been determined, it's important that you ignore normal market fluctuations within that time frame. There is always a certain amount of volatility in trading and you don't want to close in on a position, simply because of normal fluctuations that are to be expected.

A trading stop which is set just below the trade entry price is known as a tight stop and the problem with this is, if it's set too tight, it could cause you to loose your position within a trade, before that trade has even had a chance to recover. On the other hand, a looser trading stop won't trigger an exit as quickly, but it could of course result in a bigger loss. The advantage however is, by setting your trading stop looser; you allow a trade more time to recover if it's recently taken a dip.

As you can see from what's been said above, tight stops have certain disadvantages. For example, tight stops can have a negative impact on the reliability of your trading system due to you being stopped out all too often. Additionally, your overall transaction costs will increase significantly and for anyone starting out with a small float, the last thing you want is a system which costs you a fortune in brokerage.

Essentially, this is perhaps the main reason why I advise clients to go for a trading system over a slightly longer time frame. The stops on short term systems just tend to be too tight in the vast majority of cases. - 31876

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Understanding the Basics of the Foreign Exchange Markets

By Damian Papworth

The Foreign Exchange Market is the platform through which the different currencies of the world are traded. Also known as the Forex or the FX Market, it is the largest of any of the financial markets. The numbers posted in trading volume on a typical day are close to $4 trillion U.S. dollars, with around 1/3 of that amount traded in London markets.

The principle is easy enough to understand. In fact, any traveler has experienced it upon arrival in a foreign country. In order to obtain local currency, one must sell one currency and buy the other. FX traders operate on the same system, though on a much grander scale.

Looking closer at the process in a newspaper's financial section, an observer might notice the "bid" prices versus the "ask" prices. Basically, a bank will set the "ask" price, which is the rate it will offer to buyers. This rate will be higher than the one someone selling back to the bank would receive (the "bid" price). The difference between these two prices is known as the "spread" and is the way a bank will profit from the Foreign Exchange Markets.

Many different strategies are available to investors in the Forex Markets. While it is obvious that some currencies are devaluating or growing stronger in broader trends, the different fluctuations over a short period of time can be highly profitable for investors. At the same time, a long-term strategy may be a winning technique.

Forex markets are not a common item in the typical private investment portfolio. Because the control is in the hands of the banks which set the spread between the bid and ask price, these banks get a price available only to the top players in the financial world. In fact, with all of the trading which takes place on a daily basis, nearly 80% is done by the world's top ten in the banking industry. Deutsche Bank leads the way, with outfits like Barclay's and JP Morgan close behind.

Speculation is behind much of the trading in the Foreign Exchange Market and for this reason it is a popular place for hedge funds to do business on a daily basis. The aggressive investment strategy typical of hedge funds is effective in Forex trading because it can outweigh other factors affecting the rates, such as government intervention on behalf of a plunging currency.

The reasons why a country's currency may become stronger or weaker are numerous. National budget deficits can contribute, as well as the ability of a government of handle a budget surplus. Overall GDP growth is always important, as well as political developments.

An interesting feature of the FX is the fact that they never close between Monday and Friday. After the close of business in New York, traders can continue on in Europe and finally Asia before New York markets open once again in the morning. - 31876

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Play The Market with Hot Stocks

By Jason Demand

The is a new game in the stock market these days called hot stocks. This goes against the traditional Wall St. Advice of buy low and sell high. The new hot stocks strategy is to buy high and sell even higher. The way it works is that you buy stocks that are rising in value and sell them while they are still rising. The time between the buy and the sale is short.

The benefit of buying stocks this way is the short turn around time. Your money isn't tied up waiting for an undervalued stock to rise. The old method is still good, but adding hot stocks trading to your investment planning will help grow your money quicker.

Hot stocks are excellent for day traders. If you watch the market trends closely you can choose from stocks that are on the increase. The biggest trick is not to get greedy. Decide before buying the stock the maximum time you intend to hold it before selling. Whether or not the stock is still rising, sell according to your time table. Take your profits and get out.

When a stock stagnates or starts to go down, sell it straight away even if you loss on it. This way you minimize your loss. When you use a hit and run strategy, you will take some losses. The idea is to pick more winners than losers. You cover your losses and make a profit.

Hot stocks are transient investments and shouldn't be held onto for more than a day or 2. Keep a lid on of the market trends and your stock prices so you can sell at the most advantageous time. This method of investment has risks and infrequently you'll lose. That's's alright. The important thing is to chose more winners than losers.

Anyone who is trading seriously in the market should use more than one methodology. Hot stocks are great, but they are often high risk. Your portfolio should be diversified, with proven stocks from different business sectors. This helps offset losses and protects your investments. Hot stocks should only be part of your investment plan.

The idea with hot stocks is to get in and get out. Even if the stock continues to go up after you sell, it is not money out of your pocket. Remember it may just have easily dropped and cost cash. Buy, watch the price and sell when you have a good return on your investment. Don't be greedy.

If you are paying a brokerage for your investments, hot stocks isn't a choice for you. Brokerage fees can swiftly swallow your profits. Look into online stock services that charge a set weekly or regular charge for unlimited trades. Trans action charges can be really pricey. Let your brokerage firm handle your long term investments, look after your hot stocks yourself.

the market is a great way to grow your investments. Hot stocks is a method to make reasonable profits in a short amount of time. When investing your money always use more than one strategy and ensure that at least part of your money is in a safe, if low yield, financial instrument. Never gamble on the market with money you can't afford to lose. Remember the old Wall St. Saying" often you eat the bear, and sometimes the bear eats you." Good luck! - 31876

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Forex Trading Tips For Unlimited Success In The Market - Part 1

By Jimmy Villaruel

Why does one Forex traders succeed and another fail? What sets the winners apart from the losers? Well, you won`t be surprised to know that there are certain characteristics that all successful Forex traders share. While many investors take actions that aren`t in their best self interest, such as making trading based on emotions, rather than on logic, or holding on to a losing position so they won`t have to admit they made a bad trade, successful Forex traders don`t do these things. But there are some actions that they take regularly, so regularly that they become habits. Learning about these characteristics and habits will help make you into a successful trader as well.

Setting goals is essential. Successful Forex traders are goal oriented. Setting goals pushes you to do your best as you strive to reach your goals. However, you have to set good goals. Your goal has to be realistic. You no doubt would love to double your money every day. However, as a goal, that is unrealistic. When you have an unrealistic goal, it undermines your self confidence and sets you up for failure. Your goal also has to be attainable based upon your capabilities. Set a goal that matches your skill level. As your skills improve, your goals expand. In order to work for you, your goals must be realistic and attainable. One way to go about this is to set short term goals. Start with small ones that are easy to achieve. This builds your confidence; you can then raise the bar on your goals as your skills improve.

The third trait is measurability. Goals that aren`t precise and can`t be quantified or measured, aren`t goals at all. If your goal is to be wealthy, you need to specify what wealthy means. My guess is that your definition of wealth will change as your net worth increases. If you can`t define your goal, and measure your progress towards it, then you have no way of assessing your progress. It becomes impossible to make any changes to your techniques and strategies that may help you reach your goal. Successful Forex traders set goals, and they also are confident they can reach their goals. Confidence is the key to staying rational, logical, and disciplined while you are trading. Starting with small, realistic goals will help build your confidence in yourself and your abilities.

Successful forex traders rely on logic and skill to guide them when making trading decisions. They study the market and learn all they can about trading so when the time comes to place a trade, they back it with knowledge and intelligent choices. They don't fret over missing out on the next big thing to come along. Instead they focus on making one solid trade after the other. Many people who try Forex trading make the mistake of letting their emotions take over. They make trades because they can't pass up a trade that they have a hunch on. When you make trades based upon hunches or hopes, you are gambling and not trading. Even so, most investors are familiar with that rush they get when they make a trade based solely on a hunch and feel lucky they got in on a sure thing. Such trades are rarely a sure thing and successful Forex traders do not get drawn in to such thinking. They stay logical and disciplined when it comes to trading.

While these Forex traders know their market, it`s simply not possible to understand and stay in touch with everything that occurs in all the types of investment vehicles and markets across the world. While some Forex traders have developed systems that allow them to trade in multiple venues, for instance, in different stock markets around the world, most Forex traders specialize in a particular type of investment, and in a particular market. If you enjoy trading in commodities futures, that enjoyment will help you to focus and stay in touch with events in the commodities futures market.

If you aren`t interested in currency trading, don`t trade in it. Your lack of knowledge and motivation will cause you to lose focus and make mistakes. Successful Forex traders tend to specialize; they pick an area to study and they follow it closely, learning from past trends and patterns, and from their own trades. If you`re a beginning trader, I recommend focusing on one investment vehicle and it`s market. Learn all you can, about the market and about yourself, before you move into other investment types.

It doesn't really matter if you are a beginner to Forex or if you are a seasoned pro, you can achieve success. You don't need a large bankroll or years of experience to be a successful Forex trader. However, you do need focus and discipline. You have to stay rational or you will lose money no matter what level of experience you have. All successful Forex traders were beginners at one time. They became successful because they didn't take risks they could not afford and they learned from their mistakes. While experienced traders develop their own styles and systems over time, there is no Forex trading secret other than this - staying focused, disciplined, and logical when making trades leads to success. - 31876

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Foreign Exchange Traders Best Tips

By Bob LeBrun

When it comes to trading in any market, forex FOREX trading has a massive advantage over other players in trading business. Firstly, the forex market has the benefit of time freedom. You see in the 4x market one can trade around the clock from monday thru Fri.. It is also quite plausible to trade in the morning before someone goes to work. Trading the forex can become a brilliant second job for you.

Not like the stock market, the FOREX trading market doesn't require a trader to pay a commission to set a trade. This will come as a welcome sign of relief to people who have grown used to the massive amount of money they must fork over to their brokers which go towards clearing, exchange and presidency fees. In the 4x market you also do not have to fret about having a huge sum of cash in your account to sell your currency pairs. This idea of selling as you'll already know is commonly called shorting in the equities world. You can sell or buy at will in the foreign exchange trading arena. It's so wonderful to be ready to participate in this market now.

You can do so from the comfort of your extremely own home. I'll show you how to turn this three hundred greenbacks into some major money in almost no time at all. This is going to be a lot better to do given the benefits that you know the 4x market has over its competitors. The forex market is traded by some of the planet's wealthiest individuals including Bill Gates and Warren Buffett.

You now have access to the same opportunities as they do. You can begin now. You have already begun the journey by choosing to teach yourself on the pros of the currency market. I myself love the undeniable fact that you can trade whenever you wish to with the currency exchange. You see, in the stock trading world you are flagged if you are deemed to be a day trader.

In other words if a trader of stocks selects to trade every day, he must have an account balance of fifty thousand greenbacks to do so. If you work at night, you'll trade in the daytime. If you're employed during the day, you'll trade at night. You simply trade according to the schedule that works best for you.

I want you to think about money for a second. Who uses it? The whole world does in some form or another. Another advantage the currency market has is that there'll always be a need for money. The foreign exchange market is not going anywhere. It is here for good. The only question is then who will be part of it. We need money to buy the stuff we use common-or-garden and so do people who live in the other parts of this world.

Another advantage that 4x has over stocks is the advantage of trading focus. Instead of having to pick between over four thousand stocks you can deal with 4 main currency pairs. Any good business person knows that focusing on too many things is a recipe for monetary disaster and this can hold equally true in the stock market. An investor also must grapple with the time issue doing research on all those potential stocks presents. It is also way easier to become acquainted with 4 things as opposed to 4,000 things. Focus is the name of the game and 4x trading makes it way easier to do so.

The ball is already in your court. Will you take it and make the decision to win with currency trading? 4x is indeed the winner's game and people who win constantly understand how to play it well. - 31876

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Make Money By Selling Advertising Space In Your Social Media Channel

By Duong David

Space selling for advertising generally is gaining more acceptance over the internet. Most website publishers are making good amount by selling space on their best social media websites. Advertising & marketing are thought as main engagements for every web publishers. In any online affiliate program you sell advertising space to earn money and generate extra income. This in fact is one of the most popular functions that is in fact performed by many website owners.

Web publishers make use of a number of advertising and marketing applications to place their ads on youtube and facebook so they can make online cash from these social media websites.

Advertising online mostly is considered as a paid service where you might have to capitalize and at the same time you also get to make online cash. Space selling for these affiliate marketing programs certainly has been considered a boon for most retailers who work online, relatively for a number of traders who try dealing in electronics and mobile phones. So if you are a member of a social media networking then you can always try to lease advertising space to other members. In the present scenario, there are thousands of people around the globe who make use of these social media for generating online cash. This is looked as best home business and the best part is that you can manage at your own spare time. There are also thousands of e-retailers who have their personal websites where people can in fact buy sell any product.

These web publishers in fact assist in brining traffic to the retailers website. It generally is not necessary that these service providers should have their own website to earn money by selling advertising space. The main intention is to simply try and generate more traffic through this advertising space. There are also many affiliate marketers who prove aidful in promoting any organization, industry or even idea. So, under these programs they certainly can make use of a number of advertising kits including widgets, banners, pop up advertising and much more.

This is very much similar to online marketing but is generally done for an individual website. This also acts as a course that is used for this media to make money. They are also paid by a number of advertisers or merchants in the form of fixed norms. The profits generated by selling advertising space might not be too much but you can always put in your hard work to make online cash. - 31876

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How to get Free CDs Online

By Sara Gilmore

Getting free CDs online is one of the few legal ways to build your music collection on a budget. You'll also be able to find a wide selection so you can expand your musical tastes without breaking the bank. The postage on these items is usually minimal so it's a cost effective way to build your music library.

You don't need a lot of CDs to start trading. This is an opportunity to try out new music; if you don't like it you can just trade it to someone else and get a new CD. When you start sorting through your music collection you might find that there are a lot of discs that you don't listen to anymore that you can give to a new home.

Shipping is one of the main concerns with CD swapping because there is a multitude of ways that they can break. Just putting an item in envelope even if it's in the original packaging doesn't ensure its safe arrival. Some swapping sites recommend sandwiching the disc between cardboard for protection and bubble wrap can also help. The postal service might charge you more if an item can't be run through the machines but it might be worth it when your disc doesn't arrive in pieces.

You need to sign up with a service that knows the pitfalls of trading CDs. You may wonder what the repercussions are if your CD arrives broken. You may have to pay for a new disc to be sent on some sites. It may be more cost effective to pay a few cents per disc if you can find a site that will give you refunds in such situations.

You might have earned a lot of credits and then you have no idea what to spend them on. You may have gotten out of the habit of buying CDs because of budgetary constraints. Since you can get CDs so inexpensively you can expand the genres that you usually buy. Keep a notepad and pen handy so that you can write down artists who appear on favorite TV soundtracks or new music that you hear on the radio.

Maximize how many CDs you get. CD swapping sites may be smaller than book and DVD trading sites. One option is to just go with a site that allows you trade all three formats between lots of different users so that you can get a CD for sending out a book. Some users might not have the album art so if you are OK with getting just the disc then you'll have a wider selection to choose from. - 31876

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Tips for Trading for Free Paperback Books

By Sara Gilmore

Swapping paperback books has several advantages. Trading books gives you the opportunity to clear out your shelves but still be environmentally friendly. You can discover new literary treasures that you wouldn't otherwise buy because it will only cost a few dollars. You may find that trading paperbacks is a new hobby just as long as you know all of the secrets of the trade.

Be specific about what you want. It's reasonable to expect that you will receive items that follow the service's terms of service but you're still getting used books. Some sites allow you to place restrictions on the books that you get in case you have allergies to pets or smoke. You can also ask for like new books if you are building a library but you may limit the number of people who will trade with you if you have a lot of restrictions.

Carefully assess the books you list. Post the books by the ISBN number on the cover instead of just going by the name of the books to get the exact version you have. You'll also want to check the item to make sure that the edges don't have water stains or rippling. Look at the book very closely instead of just randomly entering items from your shelf and hoping they are in good enough shape.

Discover the different formats available at swapping sites. You'll be able to find audio books, paperbacks and hard covers that cover all different editions of a story. You may have to spend more money to ship a hardcover book to someone else later on.

Make the most of your swapping budget. Different swapping sites will place the value of a book in different ways. You'll need to be first in line at most companies to get a really popular book or anything that is new to the best seller's list. Do your research to be the first in line when a new book you want comes out. Stay on top of your emails so you don't miss out on potential swaps.

When you do free paperback trading you'll probably qualify for Media Mail. Media Mail means that you'll spend less money but your book will also take longer to get there. Make sure that you have several weeks where you can still stay in the guidelines of the site if you are going with this shipping method. - 31876

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Tips for Trading Your Way to Free Books

By Sara Gilmore

Getting free books online allows you to expand your literary horizons and connect with people all over the country. There are different advantages and disadvantages to every site that you sign up with so here is how to find the right book swapping site for you.

Look for a site that has a lot of automatic features. You might want to be notified by email whenever a trade is taking place or get reminders when you need to send out a book. You can also find sites that allow you to put your account on hold when you take vacations. Most places will automate the trading process to match you up with other users or tell you when it's your turn to receive a book.

Consider the sites reputation. There are a lot of different places where you can trade books. While you might like the friendship of smaller sites it's unlikely that they have the rules, regulations and systems in place to deal with unfair traders or books that are sent out late. By going with a bigger more trusted site you will probably have a larger selection available to you.

Find a site that offers versatile ways of shipping. You may even be able to bypass the post office and print your postage at home. You might have to ship your site the next day or you may have a few days so make sure that you sign up with a service that fits your schedule.

Find a trading service that deals with worst case scenarios. You want a site that will be strict so that other people can't cheat the system. Swapping sites should deal with refunds or credits so that you can receive gratification for items that you sent out and other people can't just abuse the system. The service can still function and be fun at the same time.

Make sure that the service is actually free. You'll also want to check to ensure that you are swapping books instead of buying them. Swapping is different than the old buy ten get one free deals. With trading you will send out the books that you have in your house and be able to request the number of books that you've sent out. - 31876

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Forex Trading Tips - Success with Fibonacci

By Mark Green

An optimist looks at a glass of water and says that it is half full; a pessimist looks at the same glass of water and asserts that it is half empty; a forex trader looks at it and ponders for a while then concludes that the glass is twice as big as it should be. Forex traders cover all the bases, they looks at charts from all angles and account for every possibility then make decisions based on timely and accurate information. The risks involved in forex trading are too high to entertain carelessness and the losses one can encounter are equally absolute.

Here are a few tips on retracement, reversals and the tools used - The famous Fibonacci numbers. Ever watched LOST, the movie series by ABC? Where the characters had to drudgingly enter seemingly random numbers into a computer or endure the consequences of some cataclysmic event if they didn't? Sorry I digress I know, but if you have watched it the Fibonacci numbers are a similar sequence of numbers; I shan't bore you with its history but all you need to know is that they are a numbered recursive sequence where the next number is the sum of the previous two (example 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8...etc). Now I know what you are thinking, so what right? The fascinating thing about these numbers is their natural occurrence in everyday things and in nature and how amazingly applicable these numbers are in technical analysis.

Depending on the chart you use (hourly or daily chart for a particular currency pair), you can find the support, and retracement levels by drawing a linear trend line graph from the most recent high to the most recent low. A retracement level is the point where the currency pair will continue its previous trend before continuing with its current trend. Hope I didn't lose you there, but to put it even simpler if the number 5 was a retracement level and I asked you to count to 10 meaning the trend is upwards when you reach the number 5 you would 'retrace' i.e. go back to 4 maybe 3 maybe even 2 before continuing upwards again towards the number 10. Now say I didn't tell you when to retrace, but you know at some point between 1 and 10 you have to, how would you do it? That's right Fibonacci numbers.

Having got your trend line drawn, you then divide the vertical distance of the two extremities by the key Fibonacci ratios which are 23.6%, 38.2%, 50%, 61.8%. Where these points lay on the x-axis of your chart, is where your retracement levels are. I missed out the 100% ratio; this is known as the resistance level, or the level where the market does not expect the currency pair to exceed within a particular time and all things constant.

Most traders pay more attention to the 61.8% support level, but in general the reason why Fibonacci numbers are such good indicators of trend change is because millions of forex traders rely on them as pointers, thus if for whatever reason a currency pair goes against the support or breaks a resistance level, rest assured that you will see huge activity on the market at just that instant.

As a parting note, I have stared at my charts for minutes on end, watching market indecision as the market decides which way to swing after a resistance level was broken; it is at that moment that I take big positions as the opportunity to profit is tremendous. I hope these pointers have introduced you to the concepts of retracement, but you can always use one of the many free forex charts on the internet to try it out for yourself; also using a practice account you can learn just when to buy and when to sell. - 31876

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Mutual Funds: A Safe Investment

By Luigi Fedel

The stock market can be a very interesting place for just about anyone. There are many different ways to make money with stocks and while some investors stick solely to stock, many others choose to invest in bonds. A growing trend in the market though is opening up a mutual fund account. Still there are many investors who are worried that mutual funds are not safe for small investors.

A mutual fund in all simplicity is just a large portfolio of stocks that is very diversified. Opening a mutual fund account is easy and when you do it, it is like opening a managed account because there is an experienced investor managing all of the transactions; and who only makes money if you do.

Think of a mutual fund as the hiring of a professional investor for a much lower rate then simply opening up a managed account. If you are a small time investor, then there is no way that you could ever come close to the knowledge and experience of the portfolio manager. They also have one main advantage that you do not; they pool the investor's investments together to increase their buying power and therefore increase the potential for profits.

You can consider the mutual fund as a highly liquid investment. In most cases, when you are in need of some cash, simply placing an order with your broker will result in a check being available by the end of the business day. With stocks and bond investments, this is not the case though.

Of course the best way to look at a mutual fund is the simple fact that you start off with a small amount and as each paycheck passes by, you can slowly add to your initial investment. You will not have to deal with per trade fees nor will you need to keep track of hundreds of different shares of stock. It is all done for you and it is made as simple as possible.

When it comes to investing in stock, it is best for those who have large sums of money to invest to ensure that the portfolio is well-diversified; this prevents dramatic losses on ones investment. For the small investor though, the mutual fund can be considered one of the best possible investments you can choose from because they are considered to be very safe. At any time, a corporation can go bankrupt and its stocks become worthless, but the mutual fund does not fall quite that easy.

As a small investor, not only do you want a safe investment, but you also want one which is very profitable. Mutual funds are perfect for you. You can even look at the mutual fund as a high-interest savings account if you wish. - 31876

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Stock Market - Basic Principles - Part 4

By Zigfred Diaz

This is the final part of the series on principles of investment in the stock market. The last seven principles was discussed in the past articles. We will be discussing the last three principles in this article. Visit my blog if you want to see the whole article.

8.) Study Study Study !!! - You have to do a lot of study if you want to be a a successful stock market investor. Don't expect that you can just place in your money and hope that it will somehow grow. Read a lot of books and materials on the stock market. I started out this way. I searched the internet for materials on the stock market, especially the Philippine stock market. The Philippine stock exchange has an "investor's primer." I bought this material and other stuff from them.

Attend seminars on stock market investments. There are several brokerage firms that conduct free seminars for newbies in stock market investing. Last year, CITISEC Online did a 2 day free seminar. I took the time to attend that seminar. This brokerage firm is one of the most innovative, active and well managed brokerage in the Philippines. The information you will learn in the seminars is very helpful. Continual study is required if you want to succeed in the stock market. Once you stop learning you stop to succeed.

Do the best you can to read all the materials out there and attend all the seminars if possible. Do not give up just because you encounter terms that you could not understand. For example when you went over this article you would probably scratch your head since there are terms that are difficult to understand. Terms such as "points", Philippine Stock Exchange Index (PSEi), "Blue Chips" or "Bull run" may sound foreign to you. Add to the fact that you don't even understand what a stock is and how it works. So what ? When I first began I did not even know what these things are.

Stuff like these are never taught in school. I only learned them by reading and having a hands on experience in trading. I highly suggest that you watch the movie "Pursuit of Happyness" This is a story about one man's struggle to learn the stock market. Years later he made millions through stock trading. This movie is based on a true story and is sure to inspire you!

9.)Know what is happening in the world around you - There are several factors that affect the stock market. Be aware of the news that is making headlines in the news paper. For sure this will give you a hint on the direction that the market will take. Never skip the business news. It is here where you will be given an idea as to which stock you should buy. I prefer reading the online version of the Philippine Daily Inquirer in order that I may know where the market is heading.

10.) You must start now - The best way to learn is to experience it yourself. Start small if you wish but start now. Don't procrastinate. However don't rush immediately without studying how to go about it. After you have at least learned the basics of investments then you can start buying your first stock. There's nothing more exciting when you have made your first sale at a profit. - 31876

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Forex Trading Knowledge For The Beginner

By Mike Fields

The modern technology of the Internet has evolved and changed the lives of the people in this world. The internet has changed the communication process and the different kind of things we are involved in. With the power of the internet, many people can just do everything from the comfort of their own home. Before the growth and progress of the internet, forex trading was an unknown and prohibited trading market for the average individual like you and me.

The aim of forex trading is to know, classify, or spot which currency will "go up" or "go down" in worth against another currency. Profits and losses are prepared from the "rise" or "decline" of a foreign exchange pair. The forex exchange market is extremely prominent and these types of arrangement happen steadily.

At the moment, participating or "playing a part" in forex trading can be done right in the convenience of your own home on the internet. Even though you are not an economic genius, you can still take part in foreign trading online. Recently, a number of people are involved in forex trading online though they are not an economic expert or specialists. You only need the money and a little knowledge to set up and start this investment.

The benefit of joining forex trading on-line is that you can work on your own schedule. Having a speedy internet connection in your residence is sufficient to execute with the trendy financial and economic reports that affects the forex market worldwide. With this process, you can gain information from the fundamentals of foreign exchange market online by searching the internet. It is necessary to educate and update yourself about the forex trading market system. It is also required to know how to be excellent on financial trading process, in order to gain money.

The forex trading structure has an outside appearance of being overpowering and intense if you are a newbie to the program. Having some forex diagrams and chart representation are necessary in guiding you all about forex Trading. Though you are developing and increasing your skills in forex trading ways and techniques, it is needed to utilize the demonstration of financial records that some trade brokers offer. As a part of the demonstration method, some trade brokers will give a free of charge forex charts and guidelines.

There are many essential procedures and course of action that you should comprehend about forex trading system. There are some techniques that are useful in improving your understanding and make advantageous and valuable deals. It's good to execute some research or analysis about forex trading system to look for a definite material that can help you in attaining good and profitable deals. The forex trading indicators and forex diagrams are a good material which can actually assist you. The ideal method before setting up and starting a financial investment is to educate yourself first with all the forex trading online procedures.

It is simple to understand the forex trading system and you can definitely achieve some knowledge of it in your daily practice within the market. When you start to make some cash online, then you may also utilize those earnings in producing more money. In this method, you need to have discipline, good manners, and you should invest money carefully because there are bad things that could come about when you are in forex trading. - 31876

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Following Trends As A Market Strategy

By Chris Cole

One investment system for earning profits on the stock exchange is trend following. In this strategy you wait for a trend to establish itself and then following it, timing both your entrance and exit scrupulously. It is a method that works in upturns or downturns in the market. Instead of attempting to forecast the trends, trend disciples go with trends that are already established. The sum to be invested is set by the size of the trading account and how stable the issue seems to be.

Most trend supporters invest in sophisticated software that can be programmed to exit if the trend changes suddenly. Then the traders keep waiting and see if the trend reasserts itself before reinvesting. This is about following the already established pattern of certain stocks.

Price is the 1st rule of trend following. Other indicators aren't crucial, although they're not wholly disregarded. The second factor is the choice of how much to trade. The timing is less vital than the amount of the trade. Then there is the exit strategy. When to get out if the trade is unprofitable or if the trade is profitable. Ultimately, you have to set a stop loss for the maximum satisfactory loss.

These traders use their software to check trades before investing. The software can judge the risks against the potential benefits of the transaction. The numerous factors pertinent to the trade are programmed into the software and the trader makes his call based totally on the result of the test.

Outside events can have an unlooked for effect on market trends. Man made and natural disasters and political unrest can have either a positive or negative result on the market. As an example, when Hurricane Katrina damaged and wrecked oil rigs and pipelines in the Gulf of Mexico, oil costs right away climbed responding to an anticipated dearth. Although the deficit never materialized, prices stayed high for many months due to speculation in both the commodities and market.

Obviously, all stock market investing is speculative. Following trends is a particular method for taking advantage of highs and lows in the market and using them to your own advantage. Unlike hot stocks, which involve holding stocks for extremely brief periods, hours or days, trend following involves keeping stock for longer periods, although the basic principle is quite similar. In trend following one might hold the stock for a week or a month depending on the trend.

I you don't have a plan and the right information when you enter the market, you will pretty much certainly lose money. Learn all you are able to and employ trend following together with other proven techniques and you will make the maximum of your investment bucks. - 31876

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Best Home Based Business

By Ahmad Hassam

It must be your dream too to start your own home based business. Internet has made it possible for many people like you and me to have a home based business. A successful home based business is a dream come true. But the challenge is how to start a successful home based business.

I am talking from my experience. Most home based businesses require you to sell a product online. You have to purchase the product just in order to become a member of that home based business. When you do that you will be provided with your own website link that you are required to promote online!

You are supposed to advertise your website online. Most of the advertising methods are costly. If you do PPC on Google, Yahoo and MSN, you will find that most of the relevant keywords have been already taken over by your competitors and are costing something like $1-2. Are you ready to pay $1-2 just for someone to click on your website? Are you ready to spend thousands of dollars on advertising the website? You are supposed to recruit new members under you. Now this is the hard part.

Where ever you will go you will find a lot of competition! Start hopping from one home based Business Company to another and you will find the market saturated with them. What to do then? Are you will to fork out thousands of dollars on advertising? Maybe not and if you try free advertising methods, they don't work at all.

Joining an MLM or Network Marketing company will require you to invest something like $5000-$10,000 before you see any results. Stop wasting money on buying home based business membership and then wasting hundreds and even thousands of dollars on advertising that home based business opportunity. I give you a very easy solution. Have you ever heard of forex?

Is forex trading difficult. You bet it is. You may take a few months to a few years learning forex trading if you have never done any investing in stocks. If you have been trading stocks than you can learn forex trading in weeks or a few months! Why I am suggesting you to try forex trading? Forex market is the world's largest market. Everyday 3 trillion dollars get transacted in the forex market. I think you must have heard about forex trading.

Let me introduce you to Tom Strignano. You must take a look at his forex signals. Tom calls his forex signals as forex signals from the heaven. Tom Strignano says if you can read an email, you can trade with his forex signals. The other day, one of the members made a cool $15,000 with his forex signals. I want to introduce Tom Strignano to you. He has been the Chief Currency Trader in a number of elite banks. He has been a professional forex trader for the last 25 years.

If you can read an email, you can follow the instruction in his forex signals with a few clicks, you can start making money trading forex. You trade forex from anywhere. You can even trade forex from your cell. Yeah, any mobile phone can be used to trade forex. Subscribe to his forex signals. Try them and see if you can make money with them. If you can't, simply forget about them. You must be thinking that you need to pay something to try these forex signals. Not at all! Try these forex signals for two weeks risk free on your demo account and see how much money they make for you. Nothing can be more risk free than this! He will not only provide you with his forex signals but will also mentor you and coach you in forex trading. Now there is no selling, no advertising in this home business. - 31876

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Want To Make Some Extra Money? Here's How To Make Money With Forex Trading?

By Richard Busbridge

Usually we cover issues surrounding the stock markets, we thought to have a look at a different way to earn money in the finance world. We get at least a couple of emails each day in regards to currency trading, so we decided we would write a brief guide showing how investors earn money in the currency markets.

There's been a tremendous spurt in the amount of people that trade currencies on the net. It's a great manner to make cash and as opposed to the stock markets, the currency markets stay open at all times.

As I'm sure you know, currencies will shift in price constantly. A forex trader attempts to predict when these shifts will take place so that they are able to time when they purchase or offer for sale a specific currency.

What makes a currency change in price? There are several factors, but we want to look at two of the main ones.

One of the biggest factors in defining exchange rates is rates of interest in a country. If a country steps-up interest rates this will cause more investors to make investments in that country. This causes a boost in demand for that currency and it appreciates in value. If you can predict when a country will raise their rates of interest and purchase the currency prior to it is announced, it is likely that you will gain a a good deal of money.

Second, several countries have a currency whose rate is heavily tied to particular commodities. Certain countries that are big manufacturers of certain commodities typically have a currency that wavers as the cost of a certain commodity does. The higher the cost, the more demand exists for their currency coming from other countries which results in a rise in price of the currency.

If you're interested in testing out currency trading, always consider buying a forex trading computer program to give you a hand. These programs are developed by master currency traders anduse information from the markets in order to determine the currencies to buy. Several currency traders only use these sorts of softwares to make their income, however I personally like to use them in combination with transactions that come from my own estimates.

You can make a great deal of profits in the forex markets. After you get the proper tools, currency trading an thrilling way to earn extra income.. - 31876

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A Quick Look At Currency Exchange For Investors

By Tim Tolands

The FOREX market is named currency exchange. If you exchange dollars for EU dollars at you bank, your bank bundles your exchange with other transactions and trades them on the forex market. The idea is to get the maximum favorable rate of exchange. In this fashion your bank wants to earn a profit on your transaction. Forex exists to facilitate world investments and trade. If you went to Europe with dollars, you couldn't spend them. World companies have an identical issue, so foreign exchange exchanges the currency.

The currency market has no physical location and is open for business twenty-four hours per day between Mon. morning in New Zealand thru Friday night in the East. The average trading volume is over 3 trillion dollars a day. Profit markups are relatively low.

The market trades, typically over 3 trillion dollars a day. Margins are tiny, but that isn't an argument when trading in amounts this big.

By contrast, about 80% of the trading is done by the 10 most active traders, which are huge international banks. These traders make up the top tier of the market. The difference between the bid and ask prices at these levels are extremely narrow and not available to the rest of the traders. These top tier traders account for 53% of total trading volume. Below the top tier are smaller investment banks, large multi-national firms and massive hedge funds.

The ten most active traders do about eighty percent of the trades. These are large global banks and they make up the top tier of the market. The profit margins at this level are minute and the bid and ask prices are not available to traders outside the top tier. About 53% of the trading volume is done in the top tier. The following tier includes giant world corporations, investment banks and large hedge funds.

Plenty of the transactions, about seventy percent, are of a hopeful nature. That is, they are done in the hopes of earning a return rather than an exchange for practical use. Average financiers can only gain access to this market thru a foreign exchange foreign exchange broker. Until recently, their were few restrictions on the practices of the brokers. There is an ongoing effort to crack down and eliminate brokers who take trades that are in clash with the best interests of their clients.

Currency exchange is a speculative market. While it may be less dangerous than high risk stock trading, as with any investment there is a potential for both gain and loss. When shake ups in the market occur, most traders head for the safest, or most stable currencies, like the Swiss franc. This drives the rate of exchange up on those currencies.

The derivatives available to backers are similar to those offered by the commodities market, although maybe with less risk, particularly if you stick with major currencies like the yen, the GPB, the euro and the US greenback. The futures contract is mostly held for three months, although spot contracts which are usually for a couple of days are also available. The forward contract is less risky because no cash is exchanged till a future date concluded upon by the parties. You may also get swap contracts where you exchange currencies for a mentioned length of time. The safest is the option contract that gives you the legal right to exchange currency at a fixed on date, but puts you under no need to make the exchange.

The currency exchange market is growing fast and offers good investment potential for traders that know the market. Find a reputable broker by speaking to other stockholders in this market. Learn all you can and stay current on the market trends. If you trade smartly you can make a respectable profit. It also has the benefit of allowing you to liquidate your assets when you need them. Foreign exchange is one of the better investment strategies available to small investors. - 31876

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Forex Trading Brokers

By Jan Baros

One of the key factors that affect a trader's experience while using Forex is choosing a trading broker that best adjusts to its needs, not only in practical terms, involving the actual trading procedures considering orders placement, platforms, spread and leverage, but also concerning the requirements needed to open and maintain an account, deposit and withdraw funds, and bureaucratic circumstances that may vary according to a trader's country of permanent residence.

Multiple reasons are crucial for a trader to choose his first broker or to change its current one, and a good option for those involved in online trading is tracking the opinions on brokers through Forex trading blogs, where not only actual brokers' details are available, in a way that the new trader can quickly choose among a few options that eventually fit to his needs, but also acquire information regarding other traders' problems with the mentioned brokers, an important tool that regulates abusive behavior adopted by a few number of scam brokers.

As the online foreign exchange market continues to grow exponentially every year, the number of Forex trading brokers has increased considerably, providing traders with a significant range of differences among the available online brokerage sites, especially regarding methods of deposit/withdraw, a key-factor to most of traders since different countries regulations and also personal preferences are likely to influence a trader's choice concerning deposits and withdrawals.

For beginners, in most of cases a Forex broker that requires a less significant sum of money to open a trading account plays an important role, as even if using a demo is the most recommended way to start up on Forex, once a trader goes live, opening a real trading account, a large number of them prefer to make a less substantial initial deposit.

A broker's availability regarding the Forex trading platform and facts concerning the actual process of trading, such as leverage, spread, stop-loss/take-profit settings are likely to be taken into consideration by somewhat experienced traders, as they often operate using trading patterns that may be not possible in every Forex trading broker available on the market.

Forex trading blog is an interesting resource to enhance a trader's process of choosing a Forex trading broker, and should be considered not only in the starting process of online trading, but also as a tool to keep a trader up to date to new developments in Forex trading, a dynamic market where information counts strongly to a trader to achieve success in his online speculations. - 31876

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Forex Trading Tips - The Risk Management Samurai

By Mark Green

When you trade in the forex market without strict rules to manage your cash-flow, you are not trading but in fact gambling. From time to time traders may fall into the trap of buying or selling way too much of a currency pair and risking way too much of the money in their accounts based solely on hunches, also known as 'feelings'; but this is a sure way to accelerate disappointment in the market. When you start out as a beginning trader it is important to devise a method of calculating how much risk (by default) you would be willing to risk on any position.

Money management rules such as the 2 percent rule are designed to protect us in the long run. You are probably wondering how, and I will explain that in a moment, but first an example. Case and point, Mark decides to make only 10 trades a month, he is what you would call a conservative trader. Mark has a simple rule that stipulates that if he makes four consecutive losses in a row he would pull out of the market until the next month; and for every profitable position he closes, he will risk only a third of his profit in the next trade that he makes; fairly simple rule and very effective in the long run in ensuring that his gains remain consistent.

So what rule can you apply in your trading strategy or how should you go about managing risk? Choosing the right means to protect your capital depends a lot on your style of trading, your account size and even your own personal tolerance for market speculation.

While using a reduced lot size is a good way to start, it will not be very helpful if you have a number of open lots. You must understand relationship between the currency pairs of the forex market; if for example you were to make a short trade on GBP/USD and a long trade on USD/JPY, you are unduly exposing yourself twice to the USD. This equates to having 2 lots of USD in a long position. If the USD price drops, you would lose...twice! Try to keep the lot numbers to a minimum and this is especially encouraged for beginning traders. You can also consider placing only 2 percent of your forex account at risk as mentioned earlier for any opened position, a common technique used by many traders.

Here is an example I hope will show you practically and in a different angle what we have covered here today. With a newly opened forex account 1000 dollars, I risk only 2 percent of that in every trade that means each position is worth 20 dollars of my account. I plan to have only 10 trades a week with a target of 100 dollars profit after all trades; this means I would have to endure the risk of losing 10 trades to suffer a maximum of a 100 dollar loss on my account. Naturally, I do not expect to lose 10 trades consecutively nor lose over 100 dollars in my account, and as fate would have it, I make 6 winning trades but lose 4. The following week I use the gains of my previous trades as risk and consistently repeat this cycle. This example shows you how you can keep your capital safe, and work more on growing your profits and choosing winning trades, I how you found these tips informative. - 31876

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Traditional Technical Analysis in Forex? Of Course!

By Brian Berry

If you're thinking you cant apply simple technical analysis to forex I've got news for you. It's simple, in fact it's so simple, after watching this free forex video, you'll be more than capable of spotting the trend in forex for yourself in seconds.

This video is great because it shows you how to do something you may have thought was hard. It makes it very easy to understand how to identify the trend in forex in the easiest way possible. We will look at three cross-rates and I'll show you how to correlate them to determine the trend. I promise, it's that simple.

Forex is the largest and most dynamic market in the world and it operates twenty-four-seven. INO Market Club brings this market to you in charts and prices in real-time. This latest video on forex will show you how easy it is to trade the forex market and most importantly how to spot a price trend in the forex market.

About Forex - Foreign Exchange (FOREX) is the arena where a nation's currency is exchanged for that of another. The foreign exchange market is the largest financial market in the world.

With the equivalent of over $1.9 trillion changing hands daily; more than three times the aggregate amount of the US Equity and Treasury markets combined.

Unlike other financial markets, the Forex market has no physical location and no central exchange (off-exchange). It operates through a global network of banks, corporations and individuals trading one currency for another.

The lack of a physical exchange enables the Forex market to operate on a 24-hour basis, spanning from one zone to another in all the major financial centers.

Traditionally, retail investors' only means of gaining access to the foreign exchange market was through banks that transacted large amounts of currencies for commercial and investment purposes.

Trading volume has increased rapidly over time, especially after exchange rates were allowed to float freely in 1971. Today, importers and exporters, international portfolio managers, multinational corporations, speculators, day traders, long-term holders and hedge funds all use the FOREX market to pay for goods and services, transact in financial assets or to reduce the risk of currency movements by hedging their exposure in other markets. - 31876

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Easy Forex And Becoming A Forex Trader.

By Kris Deaney

Forex trading offers a trader a great deal of opportunities for profit. But, it can also be an unforgiving place for novices, or beginners.

This is often because they start into without totally understanding the market and without a trading strategy that they'll persist with with discipline. Usually, they also don't totally appreciate the risks of leverage.

I have seen many traders start with leverage that's much too high. This can end up with traders losing their trading accounts extremely quickly. This is due to the fact that leverage will increase profits, a loss to a significant degree. This is fantastic when a trader is making profits, but it can very quickly turn bad.

One of the ways that to minimize the dangers in Forex trading, is by using a top quality Forex Broker. An example of a high quality Forex broker is EasyForex.

The reason that Easy Forex is good, is due to the fact that they provide a trader the opportunity to trade equitably. This is because they offer instant trade execution, or as near to instantaneous trade execution as is possible. In fast changing markets a lot of brokers will re-quote costs, as a result of of the speed that the prices are shifting at.

This may be a downside and result in not obtaining as good a price as the trader had thought. However, some brokers use this tactic against their traders.

Also Easy-Forex gives low spreads. Essentially, this is what a currency is sold and bought for at an identical time and is how much it costs to put on a trade, sort of a commission, in reality. Lower spreads mean less trading costs and this may be extremely important if a trader is making a lot of trades.

Generally a trader will not take spread prices into consideration when they are looking at their trading and then can't work out why their profits are less than they thought. Don't make this error.

Easy Forex also offers a range of skilled charting tools and software that can permit a trader to complete correct technical analysis of the markets. They also give up to the minute monetary data, so a trader is always totally conscious of global economic events and the release of economic data and reports, as these factors will typically have a big effect on currency rates.

EasyForex does additionally give traders the chance to use leverage, as do nearly all Forex Brokerages. However, I do suggest that leverage is just used as part of a trading plan, where the focus is very much on the management of risk. This will ensure that leverage is used in the correct way. - 31876

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Bear or Bull? The Fragile Global Economy and Stock Market

By Damian Papworth

Stock markets are made to have their ups and downs. After all, the United States bounced back in the 1920s after a decade of Depression due to what is recorded as the first stock market crash in the world, and for a brief moment in the 1980s, it was thought that the stock market in the States and in a number of countries wasn't going to recover from another nosedive. Playing the numbers is a risk, even in a gentleman's game like the stock market, and whether it's Hong Kong or NASDAQ, analysts have a difficult time of predicting exactly what's going to happen. One thing's for sure, though: no one quite knew what was coming in 2008.

No one has been more confused about recent events in the global economy than the numerous consumers in various countries. It truly came as a surprise to people all over the world when global markets started tanking in October of 2008, mostly because after other near-misses in the global economy, it's mystifying to think that something could go on for so long and end so poorly.

The world stock market's value has been estimated at close to seven hundred trillion dollars, with the role of the United States economy in that market significant, at around forty trillion dollars. However, the last year or so has been a see-saw ride of recovery, with times looking up and times looking extremely dismal. Entire countries have been bankrupted through the cause and effect of foreign investments. Famously, the entire country of Iceland, a small island nation with only two or three national banks, managed to lose the entire country's savings just because of the faltering power of the dollar and the Euro in unison.

One of the reasons that the last stock market crash led to a global stock market crash is that industry is much more international now than ever before. Large corporations don't simply do business in a single country: they are located on numerous continents, trading in more than one stock market, and generating large revenue by conquering the global market. Thus, if investments and capital are tied in on such a wide scale, it's no wonder that something that upsets the balance of one or two markets could continue to ripple and have such a far-reaching impact around the world.

It's not just the economy, either. Many investment companies have recommended branching out from one's home country and trying various markets around the world. When the American dollar is the base of so many financial interactions and it starts to slip, it takes a whole lot of value and wealth along with it.

While there are entities in check who are supposed to be keeping track of the conditions of various world markets, recent events show that sometimes those watchers clearly need to be watched, too. Especially after the near-gloomy crash of the late 1980s, when America vowed to put aside a path of excess and tone things down a bit, it's shocking to see just 20 years later another difficult financial circumstance to navigate. Only this time, the rest of the world economy's come with it.

The most recent mess was further helped along by people bailing out immediately, with no concern for local governments stressing the importance of the system keeping participants. Many banks in Europe and the United States tanked or were on the brink of tanking, requiring extensive government bailouts that are doing their own personal number of large nation's economics, and thus, the global economy as well.

Playing the market has always been a little bit unpredictable, but the recent events are truly unprecedented. While regular people reading the newspaper might feel as though they have missed something significant in their inability to process recent current events in the financial sector, the fact of the matter is that it is baffling things were allowed to get this bad. - 31876

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Best Forex Signal Service - How to choose?

By Jimmy Karter

A reliable forex trading signal service is very crucial for a retail forex trader. We can define a forex signal as an indication for a forex trader which would help him make buy of sell decisions in the forex market. These indications are mostly system generated based on the technical analysis of currency prices. The forex trading signal service is currently being provided by many brokers and professional agencies.

These forex signals are sent out by various forex signal service providers which can be financial agencies, independent brokers or other institutions. This service is availed not only beginners in forex market, but also by experienced traders since it saves a lot of time and effort in monitoring and following events in the currency market. Based on these signals, the traders are able to make the sell or buy decisions quickly without having to go through the hassles of being updated every minute.

As mentioned earlier, forex signal service is being provided by many brokers and agencies. Out of these, there are a lot of providers which provide this service completely free of cost. On the other hand, there are providers which provide this service based on a monthly subscription fee. Obviously, there is a difference is the quality of signals provided by these two types of providers. Most of the free forex signal service providers rely solely on computer based systems to read the market and generate signals based on technical indicators. On the other hand, fee based providers have experts who filter the signals to make sure that the retail traders receive only those signals which are useful to them. That is the reason, these signals are much better.

When a retail trader is searching for a forex signal service provider, he should consider a few things. The cost of the provider should not be the only criterion to choose a service provider. The most important consideration should be the past performance of the provider. The provider should have a proven track record for last couple of years and should be reliable. The trader should also check whether the provider sends out signals based on the needs of the customer.

The other factors to consider while choosing the signal provider are the speed of the service, mode of sending out the signals and alerts, spread of their recommendations and back testing results. Experts believe that is it better for beginners to make use of subscription based service. You should compare these features between various service providers to choose the best forex signal provider for yourself. You can make use of internet to research and compare various signal providers to choose the best possible one. - 31876

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Choosing a High ROI Managed Forex Account

By Brendan Wilson

Without a doubt the one key factor in sourcing a managed forex account is to make certain that you have control over your own account at all times. That is the ability to revoke the ability of the trader to actively trade your account and also to withdrawal funds at any time you wish. Any other situation leaves your account wide open to abuse, fraud and just general trader incompetence. Over the years we have witnessed many managed forex scams where funds have been fraudulently stolen or misappropriated leaving investors with little or nothing in their account. Make sure that before you send funds you are provided with an LPOA or "Limited Power of Attorney" form and that any funds you send are directed to the account of the broker, who is authorized to receive client deposits.

Most pooled investment accounts, where the funds are controlled by the fund manager or trader themselves normally do not offer this type of protection to investors. Those registered brokers conducting business in a regulated environment on the other hand are subject to such measures as minimum capital requirements as a high degree of statutory requirements that invariably include the implementation of regular and stringent audits.

Managed forex accounts are a great solution for those people who find they do not have the time or necessary skills to trade the forex market. This alternative allows investors to benefit from the opportunities made available in the forex market. However, experience has shown us that many investors are exposed to the darker side of managed investments, such as trader incompetence and less than scrupulous forex brokers.

Unfortunately in recent years we have seen a lot of managed investment scams, most infamous in recent history being perhaps the largest scam of all in the case of Bernie Madoff and his associated scams. This scam involved perhaps hundreds of billions of dollars of investors funds. This not only sent a jolt through Wall Street but also the whole managed investment arena worldwide. Here was a former NASDAC Chairman, someone almost beyond reproach and something of a Wall Street icon involved in the biggest scam of all time. The simple fact of the matter was that he had managed to scam even those charged with overseeing the industry and had succeeded in doing so for perhaps 20 years.

Managed Forex Accounts give people access to the unique opportunities made available by the Forex market. Factors such as liquidity, high volatility and leverage combine to make forex a suitably advantageous investment vehicle for those with risk capital and the desire to seek higher than average return on their investment. Of course it always needs to be stated that with these increased returns inevitability comes with increased in risk. Managing this increased risk is the key task for the money manager.

The principal purpose of any managed forex account is to achieve sustainable high, long term results, with a minimum amount of draw down and a demonstrable long term record. Search for an investment provider who can prov these attributes over an extended period of time. Three to 6 months of trading statements is simply insufficient to make an informed opinion on the longer term prospects of a managed investment offering. - 31876

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Growth Stocks Investment

By Ahmad Hassam

When you start looking for good stocks, you often come across these terms like large cap, mid cap, small cap, growth and value. Let's discuss these terms for a moment. Capitalization or cap refers to the combined value of all the share of a company's stocks. The division between large cap, mid cap and small cap are often blurry and not sharp.

However the following divisions are generally accepted: Large caps are companies with over $5 Billion in capitalization. Mid caps are companies with $1 to $5 Billion in capitalization and small caps are companies with $250 million to $1 Billion in capitalization. Anything below $250 million can be considered as micro cap. Now the most important term that you come across is growth stocks and value stocks. How do you determine this is a growth stock or a value stock? Perhaps the most important ratio is the Price to Earnings Ratio (P/E).

Perhaps the most important ratio is the Price to Earnings Ratio (P/E). Now the most important term that you come across is growth stocks and value stocks. How do you determine this is a growth stock or a value stock? Suppose, company ABC stock is presently selling for $50. Now suppose that last year company ABC earned $5 for every share of the stock outstanding. This means stock ABC P/E ratio is 50/5=10. So the higher the P/E ratio, the more investors are willing to pay for the stock. What is the P/E ratio? The P/E ratio divides the price of the stock by the earnings per share.

Let's make this clear with an example. Do you know how to read the balance sheet of a company? One of the most important things in doing research on a stock is the balance sheet of the company. Suppose, company ABC stock is presently selling for $50. Now suppose that last year company ABC earned $5 for every share of the stock outstanding. This means stock ABC P/E ratio is 50/5=10. So the higher the P/E ratio, the more investors are willing to pay for the stock. So what is the P/E ratio? The P/E ratio divides the price of the stock by the earnings per share. Over the years, studies have shown that the P/E ratio is somehow related with the growth of a company. Now the higher the P/E ratio, the more growth the company is supposed to have. So it can be either the company is growing real fast of the investor have high hopes of its growth. Now these hopes can be realistic or foolish, you never know!

Eugene Fama did seminal research on stocks and stock market s in'70s. Most of his results were startling and broke many myths. According to Fama and French, two famous researchers who did ground breaking research on stocks, over the last 77 years, large growth stocks have only seen 9.9% annualized rate of return as compared to 11.5% for the large value stocks.

The most probable cause seems to be their immense popularity. Since most of the headlines are captures by high growth companies, investors seem to think that they are the best investments. Now intuitively you might have thought that growth stocks are better. What can be the reason for their lower performance over the years?

Let's go back to the IPO of Google. Think about Google, how its stock price shot up within a matter of weeks after it hit the market. Weeks after that it began to cool off. In 2007, Google stock was selling something around $500. So large growth stocks tend to get overpriced before you are able to buy them! - 31876

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Index Options Investing (Part II)

By Ahmad Hassam

The more volatile the market, the higher then index option premium! The duller the market, the lower the index options premium. Well it depends on the expectations of the traders whether the market will move sufficiently in the near future for them to exercise their buy or sell rights.

Options offer investors far more trading strategies as compared to futures. Such strategies can range from highly speculative to highly conservative. Options are a far more basic instrument than the ETFs and futures. You can easily replicate any ETF or futures contract with an option but the reverse is not true. In case, the market does not decline, you only lose the premium that you had paid for the put option. Suppose, you are afraid that the market is going to go down in the near future! You can protect yourself from this decline in the market by buying a out index option. When the market declines, the put increases in value.

Now the seller of a call options believes that the market will not move sufficiently up in the near future so he/she can make money by writing a call options contract and selling it to someone who believes the maker will move up. Of course for anyone who buys an options contract there should be someone to sell the options contract to make a complete transaction.

So in a way, buying and selling of options contracts make options trading a zero sum game. Either the market will move up or it will not. Either the option seller will win or the options buyer will win. The development of the stock index futures and the index options was a major development in'80s for investors and money managers. The buyers of the put options are in a way insuring their portfolio against possible market decline but who are the sellers of the put options. They are primarily those investors who are willing to buy those stocks but only at lower prices.

Heavily capitalized firms in the major stock indexes like the S&P 500 or the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) have always attracted money because of their outstanding liquidity. But with stock index futures and options, investors were able to buy in some way the whole market such as represented by these stock indexes.

The Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) gave the investor still more ways to diversify across all market with very low costs. ETFs give you the familiarity of the stocks but like index futures much higher liquidity and superior tax efficiency.

Index options give the investors the ability to insure the value of their portfolios at the lowest possible prices and save on the transaction costs and taxes. - 31876

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